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      Application and tuition fees

      Students with citizenship in countries not within the EU/EEA, or Switzerland, are required to pay application and tuition fees for university studies in Sweden.

      General information about the fees is available at application and tuition fees general criteria, at

      Application fee is paid to, the official website for applying to studies in Sweden.

      The tuition fee for the programme you have been admitted to is paid to the university.

      Tuition Fee price brackets


      The University of Skövde has tuition fees in two price brackets for study programmes (per academic year – 60 credits). These are the fees for the academic year 2024/2025 and 2025/2026:

      • Programmes in price bracket 1 (P1): 95,000 SEK (per academic year – 60 credits)
      • Programmes in price bracket 2 (P2): 135,000 SEK (per academic year – 60 credits)

      You can view the programme total tuition fee by clicking on University of Skövde at and checking the option "show more". Be sure to check the correct semester (admission round).

      Freestanding courses

      The tuition fees for separate courses are divided into three price brackets
      (per one credit). These are the fees for the academic year 2024/2025 and 2025/2026:

      • Courses in price bracket 1 (C1): 2,250 SEK (per credit)
      • Courses in price bracket 2 (C2): 2,750 SEK (per credit)
      • Courses in price bracket 3 (C3): 4,000 SEK (per credit)

      Price bracket 1

      Humanities, Law, Social Science, and Teaching/Education belong to price bracket 1.

      Price bracket 2

      Life Science, Technology, Medicine, Health Science, and Design belong to price bracket 2.

      Price bracket 3

      Design and Music belong to price bracket 3.

      Payment of the application fee

      An application fee of 900 SEK (Swedish kronor) must be paid to University Admissions according to their instructions in order for your application to be processed.

      The application fee is administered by University Admissions, not the University of Skövde.

      Payment of the tuition fee

      The University of Skövde uses an invoice management system called “Ladok for students” . Admitted students who are required to pay tuition fees will receive an email notification with payment instructions within two weeks after the admission results are published.

      Payment options include bank transfer or online payment using a debit or credit card. The tuition fee is to be paid in Swedish kronor (SEK). As soon as the payment is registered your confirmation of payment will be available at under “Installments”.

      If payment is not made on the dates stated on the invoice, the admission will be cancelled or you will be suspended from studies.

      The payment must be made in advance before each semester in accordance to your payment plan at The tuition fee must be paid semester by semester until the programme is fully paid and regardless of you are taking new courses or just re-registered on unfinished courses.

      If you have been granted a scholarship, the amount awarded will be deducted from your invoice accordingly.

      Once the first instalment of the tuition fee is paid, you will be able to apply for your residence permit for studies through the Swedish Migration Agency. Please note that the Swedish Migration Agency will automatically receive information once the payment is confirmed. For detailed information, please read our Guidelines regarding tuition fees.

      Published: 2/9/2020
      Edited: 3/15/2024