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      Study plans

      PhD studies are planned and followed up with the help of both a general syllabus (study plan) and an individual study plan.

      General syllabus

      The general syllabus provides information about the PhD studie's intended learning outcomes, organisation and content, requirements, selection criteria and examinations.

      Please note that each doctoral student follows the version of the general syllabus that is applicable at the point at which they are admitted to the PhD studies.

      The general syllabus contains a description of the subject area and of the overall research domain. 

      There is also information about the national learning outcomes (qualification requirements)  that apply for all third-cycle studies in Sweden – i.e. the knowledge that a doctoral student must have acquired upon completion of their degree.

      The general syllabus also states the admission requirements for a place on a third-cycle study programme at the University of Skövde, and describes the selection process for applicants.

      Finally, it also describes the organisation of the PhD studies, the requirements for entitlement to receive a licentiate or a doctoral degree, the amount of credits, and which courses are mandatory.

      Individual study plans (ISP)

      The individual study plan (form 5:2) covers the planning, structuring and following-up of the PhD studies, and is drawn up by the main supervisor together with the PhD student. The first ISP will be drawn up by no later than three months after admission to the PhD studies, and will be subsequently revised at least once yearly. The PhD student, the main supervisor and the Director of Studies shall meet once yearly to revise the work that has been performed and to plan its continuation.

      Published: 4/29/2020
      Edited: 4/29/2020