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      Innovation and utilisation

      Innovation and utilisation

      The University of Skövde develops knowledge that can help to solve society’s future challenges. To succeed in this, the University’s innovation advisors support our researchers throughout the innovation process. Planning as early as the conceptual stage to ensure that the research will be utilised increases the chances of a successful result.

      The goal is sustainable development – the 2030 Agenda

      The UN’s 2030 Agenda is a natural starting point when talking about sustainable development at the University of Skövde. Digitalisation for sustainable development is an overarching theme and one of many examples where we are making a clear contribution. Digitalisation represents a transformation of the most important aspects of society – growth and sustainability, prosperity and equality, security and democracy. Making change happen demands innovation and utilisation.

      Dialogue with the partners involved in our research projects ensures that research results are utilised and put to good use. Utilisation and impact are key elements in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda. There are a number of tools available to help make the goals a reality.

      Our innovation advisors can support you in developing a new tool, an idea for a new service/product or to explore how a research result can be commercialised. The research can also be used as a basis for new legislation or new industry standards, for example.

      Our innovation advisors have the right expertise to provide support on questions regarding patents, licensing and commercialisation, and other advice and support. Everything happens in dialogue with the researcher and derives from their needs and the nature of the research results.

      Benefit from collaboration

      Turning research into benefits takes feedback, collaboration and testbeds for pilot projects. Here there are major opportunities for companies and other actors in society to contribute their expertise and position themselves at the forefront of development. This is part of what happens in the collaborative platforms in which the University is engaged.

      Our innovation advisors link researchers to partners from society and industry. They can therefore be a route for you into the University if you are keen to be involved in developing and/or disseminating innovations.

      Collaboration – A key to the innovation process

      Collaboration is an important piece in the innovation process jigsaw. When the University and surrounding society interact, relevant questions are asked, with high implementability. The actors in the process strengthen each other, drawing on their roles and competences. Co-production creates better research where research results can be spread and put to use more rapidly because collaboration leads to more needs-driven research and development.

      The University’s innovation advisors can contribute by coaching research groups and research environments, arranging meetings or setting up working methods. Our innovation advisors have broad expertise, enabling them to engage in the entire innovation process and work with other actors to take on board questions, challenges and ideas and match them to appropriate research group expertise.

      Our innovation advisors are also part of a network in West Sweden with Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Borås, Jönköping University, Halmstad University and University West. Together, these higher education establishments are developing innovation support and innovation work with the goal of building a better and more sustainable society.

      University's Innovation Advisors

      Innovation Advisor

      Published: 12/7/2023
      Edited: 12/7/2023