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      This content was published more than six months ago.

      Fall semester begins for international students

      Published 27 August 2018

      On Monday, the international students at the University of Skövde start their fall studies. 150 students from all over the world have gathered in their new home town of Skövde. Ready for the adventures ahead.

      – This is one of the highlights of the year. It is amazing that so many students choose the University of Skövde for their studies abroad, says Frida Lindgren, international coordinator at the University of Skövde.

      "The Mountain" appreciated destination

      Some have travelled far. This years' students come from Bangladesh, South Korea, China, USA, Mexico, and Belgium, among other countries. Their time in Sweden is an opportunity to get to know a new culture, a new climate and nature.
      – Our international students usually really appreciate the Swedish tradition of "fika", our casual and informal approach and the fact that our school is relatively small, which makes it easier to have access to teachers and staff. Many also appreciate the nature and the recreational area Billingen. Initially, they laugh at us when we call our little hill "the mountain", but later on I hear how much they enjoy spending time there. I have heard some very nice stories about camping and barbecues. The fact that they take the opportunity to spend time in the forest makes me very happy, as this is something some of them may have never had a chance to do before.

      Finding friends for life

      Frida Lindgren would like to make a suggestion to the people of Skövde.
      – Get to know an international student! In addition to learning about their culture and countries, you may even find a friend for life whom you might be able to visit in their home country sometime in the future.

      The start of the semester at the University of Skövde will intensify over the next weeks. On September 3rd, there will be a big welcoming event at the campus for new students. The annual parade and raft race take place on September 7.

      Published: 8/27/2018
      Edited: 1/29/2020