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      This content was published more than six months ago.

      “I chose Skövde because I fell in love with the programme”

      Published 15 September 2021

      Ricardo Parizotto Ribeiro from Brazil is studying Bioscience – Molecular Biodesign at the University of Skövde. He chose the University of Skövde because he instantly fell in love with the education. “Then I read through the courses it included and fell deeper in love with it.”

      Studenter på campus en solig sommardag

      Why did you choose the University of Skövde for your bachelor’s studies?

      I never really belonged anywhere I lived. Even in Brazil I was regarded as a foreigner. To make matters worse I was forced into studying mechanics for five years. All this made it feel as if the walls around me were caving in. But I felt that I needed to get away somehow, so I looked abroad. None of the universities, or countries for that matter, that I looked into had openings at that specific time of the year for university level degrees I was interested in. Then one night I was complaining to a friend through a voice call and after 15 minutes or so he hit me with words I will never forget: "Just f***ing try Sweden!". I had missed the one country that I would eventually make my way towards. I then searched for universities in Sweden, found, sent my documents in and found the University of Skövde (the title of my programme Molecular Biodesign hooked me immediately) all within 30 minutes. But that was just at a glance. I poked around deeper for the coming months and I slowly but surely fell in love with the Sweden, Skövde and, most importantly, the university and my programme.

      What are your plans after graduating?

      I am going to proceed to SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) at Uppsala for my Master’s programme and then set up a company that I have already been planning for the past year.

      What advice do you have for students who want to attend a study programme in Skövde?

      Learn as much as is given to you, seek more knowledge than that and network as hard as you can.

      This autumn, you are going on exchange studies to Kings College in London. Did you know that you could apply for exchange studies when you choose to come to Skövde?

      I did. I just never wanted to leave.

      Published: 9/15/2021
      Edited: 9/15/2021