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      To strengthen young people's mental health

      Research Group Family- Centred Health FamCeH
      Resarch Environment DHEAR

      Quick Facts

      Full project name

      In the digital society, to strengthen young people’s mental health with the learning tool “It is not visible”


      January 2024 – December 2027

      Funding and collaboration

      Majblommans riksförbund, Arts & Hearts, Naturbruksförvaltningen VGR, Public health and social sustainability in Skaraborg, Region Västra Götaland

      The overall aim of the research project is to explore whether young people's mental health is strengthened by to participate in the implementation of the program, It is not visible. The program aims to teach young people, and their related adults, to regularly practice strategies to promote well-being.

      Ett gäng ungdommar går tillsammans

      As the use of digital media increases, young people have health-promoting lifestyle habits affected, what is considered "normal" in terms of screen time, physical activity or sleep habits among others young people have changed.

      Strengthening young people's mental health is an important investment for the future, which means that more young people can achieve completed studies, be prepared for working life and increase the conditions for a sustainable lifestyle.

      The interactive educational program "It is not visible" have the goal of spreading research-based knowledge about mental health and breaking exclusion related to mental illness, as well as offering perspectives, insights and tools for young people to manage their mental well-being.

      The overall aim of the research project is to explore whether young people's mental health is strengthened by to participate in the implementation of the program, It is not visible.

      The program aims to teach young people, and their related adults, to regularly practice strategies to promote well-being. Film-based modules convey scientific messages and skills training exercises with protective effects. These include learning to plan their time, regulate their emotions and manage impulses to avoid falling prey to them.

      In addition, the research project aims to describe the role of guardians and school staff (principal, teacher, student coach, student assistant and student health staff, school nurses, school doctors, social workers, psychologists and special educators) to young people, how they perceive the importance "It is not visible" have had on the young people's lifestyle, relationships and digital media use.

      With the situation that prevails in today's society, preventive and knowledge-raising efforts need to be made that can strengthen young people's mental health. Schools and municipalities' activity responsibilities are arenas that make it possible to give young people knowledge about what affects how they feel and give them tools to be able to strengthen their mental health themselves. This project is limited to young people who are in grades seven to nine in junior high school and grades one to three in high school, as well as young people who participate in municipalities' activity responsibilities.

      Participating Researchers

      Published: 2/23/2024
      Edited: 2/23/2024