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      Half-time seminar

      2) Half-time seminar – thesis proposal

      Approximately halfway through the study time, the doctoral student must write a longer report concerning the intended thesis.

      NOTE! If the doctoral student is planning to take a licentiate degree, there is no half-time seminar. In this case, the doctoral student only conducts a final seminar before the actual licentiate seminar.

      The report is to be produced in accordance with the University's templates for licentiate and doctoral theses. The thesis proposal is to be presented and discussed at a public seminar. The seminar is held when the doctoral thesis' structure and the essential elements of its content have been planned and documented.

      A. The thesis proposal must include (although not necessarily be restricted to) the following: 

      • research results achieved so far
      • published material and planned manuscript
      • draft of the thesis' introductory elements
      • analysis that has already begun
      • planning of the remaining work

      B. The reviewer must be an external senior researcher who has successfully defended their own doctoral studies. (In exceptional circumstances, the reviewer may be employed at the University of Skövde, but must in that case be active at another school (Institution in Swedish).

      C. By no later than three weeks before the planned seminar, the thesis proposal (in electronic form), the name of the reviewer, and the date and time of the half-time seminar must be sent to the following email functions in the relevant subject for PhD studies:


      Health Sciences:

      D. In addition to the external reviewer and the doctoral student, all supervisors must attend and provide oral comments at the seminar.

      E. The overall purpose of the seminar is to provide the doctoral student with constructive opinions of the results that have been achieved and recommendations for the work that remains to be done to ensure that the research studies can be completed within the planned timeframe.

      F. Comments and decisions made are to be documented by the external reviewer in accordance with the specified protocol (form 5:13). If this is assessed to involve significant shortcomings, a new report must be produced and a new half-time seminar must be held.

      After completion of the seminar

      G. The main supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the protocl from the seminar, any appendices and the approved report are sent to the Registry Officer for entry into the records and for archiving.

      H. The main supervisor is responsible for ensuring that, following the successful completion of the half-time seminar, the doctoral student is moved up to the next level of the applicable salary index (more information is available on the Staff Portal).

      Published: 8/4/2021
      Edited: 8/4/2021